Divine Pause

What do we learn about ourselves in the time outs? On Sunday, September 8th, flying back to Florida from an event in DC, just as my plane was about to hit the runway in Fort Lauderdale, golden twilight illuminating the plane, we lifted back into the air, climbing beyond 10,000 feet. There was silence as passengers looked at one another,…

Running Through Loss

Before my dad’s decline, I was planning to run the Keys 100 for my tenth time and training for my sixth go at Badwater 135 this July. Excitement, optimism, and commitment fueled my runs. Then, my dad fell and was taken away in an ambulance, and I rushed from the Keys 100 pre-race gathering with my crew, and drove four…

Keeping Going

“Quitting is not an option.” – Marshall Ulrich I flew to Florida to see my dad over Memorial Day weekend. It was a last minute decision, but with May 22nd marking the 9th anniversary of my mom’s passing, it was almost as if I could hear her say to me that Friday in her just do it spirit, “Go see…

Quarantine Treats

Depending on your situation, WFH and quarantining may or may not have given you some additional time in your schedule. I know that many of us feel busier than ever at work these days, and with some of us also having children at home to teach and entertain, free time is at a minimum. That said, whether you’re able to…

RESET: Long Haul 100

After getting injured during running Daytona 100 in December 2019, I was clear: I needed to heal up and recover well, as I had big plans for 2020, and at this point in my life, feeling good and enjoying running is critical to me. I immersed myself in cross training, cut way back on the running, and was studious with…

Roadmap for the Year Ahead

In my pursuit to foster a growth mindset, embrace the new and different, and live my best life – whether I’m at work, writing, or toeing the start line of a race – here’s some practices that I’ve implemented to fuel my journey. Beginner’s mindset: Every time I begin to write an article or story, show up at work, roll…